A victory across the board for Autolinee Toscane
Corriere fiorentino – 20.03.2020 – Mobit loses again at the TAR but the times for the new French-led bus service are getting longer. The consortium of local companies that had participated in the tender for public transport by road, won by Autolinee Toscane, after having been rejected by the appeals to the TAR and the Council of State against the award of the tender, also lost another, perhaps really the last appeal, which he had presented to the Tuscan administrative judges, to prevent the entrustment of the service to competitors of the French subsidiary. Mobit is the consortium headed by Busltalia Sita Nord (i.e. Ataf, now in the hands of Ferrovie), and includes Ctt Nord, Tiemme spa, Prato Cap, Copit, Trasporti toscani and the Lombard Autoguidovie among its members.